If you are a parent going through a divorce, then one of your worries may be about the future care of your children. Negotiating child custody during a divorce can help parents decide where a child lives and which parent is responsible for providing for their child’s basic needs.
While asset distribution may be simple and clear-cut, the custody of your children is a very important and complex matter. Here is what you should know:
How is child custody determined?
There are several aspects of child custody. Child custody is divided into legal and physical custody. Legal custody determines which parent can decide their child’s care and upbringing, such as where a child goes to school and their major health decisions. Physical custody is where a child lives the majority of the time and which parent should provide their children with their basic needs, such as housing, clothing and food.
Child custody is typically defined under joint or sole custody. Joint custody means that both parents have some legal and physical custody. Co-parents will make decisions together for their child’s well-being and schedule physical custody days. Sole custody means one parent has majority legal and physical custody.
Can you change child custody?
Child custody is often decided during a divorce. If there are issues with a child custody arrangement, parents can request a change. Some common reasons to alter a child custody arrangement include if a parent is moving, if a child’s needs change or if a parent is neglecting their duties.
Parents can learn more about their child custody options by reaching out for legal guidance. That’s often the most effective way to create a parenting plan and custody agreement that works.