Throughout California, many people are not confined to a 9 to 5 schedule with their employment. Unusual schedules are common in many jobs whether the person is an emergency responder, owns a business, is an entertainer or is a prominent athlete. This is especially relevant in Orange County. Any divorce will have its complexities and dealing with children is frequently a topic that invites dispute. That holds true for crafting a parenting plan. Parents who cannot reasonably predict when they will be free from work to have time with the child may need to adjust the parenting plan accordingly. To address this and keep disagreement to a minimum, it is important to be prepared from the start.
Parenting plans and addressing different work schedules
When formulating a general parenting plan, it should include who has legal custody; what the time-sharing schedule is; how holidays and vacations are handled; how the child will be transported back and forth; and agreements regarding care and responsibility. Extreme cases in which a parent is not bound to a conventional schedule will require flexibility and adaptation. If the parents are on reasonably good terms, they might create a plan together and put the child’s needs at the forefront. In other instances when the parents cannot negotiate and agree, the court may need to make the decision.
If, for example a father is a professional athlete. Their schedule will include travel, intense competition and various commitments for much of the year. The newly crowned Super Bowl champion Los Angeles Rams began their season during the summer with training camp and it ended with a championship in February. While that is cause for celebration, it also adds layers of complexity to having a regular parenting plan if the father is required to adhere to a set schedule for his work. From February through the early summer, there will likely be extra time to spend with the child. The parenting plan may need to be adjusted to reflect this situation.
Difficult family law cases may require experienced advice
Parents dealing with fluctuating schedules do not necessarily need to be well-known. It could be due to a police officer’s job requirements, a medical professional who is constantly on call or a business owner whose work is a 24-hour a day endeavor. To craft a workable parenting plan in a divorce and limit discord, it is wise for both parties to have guidance. Consulting with those experienced in assisting those facing these concerns can be beneficial to reach a positive resolution.