Divorce, in and of itself, is an emotionally taxing and transformative life event. If your marriage is over and divorce is in the works, it is in your best interest that you understand what you can and cannot do.
While no law prohibits you from using social media networks during divorce, the last thing you want is additional problems based on what you posted on Facebook. That said, here is what you need to know about the use of social media during your divorce:
What you post online can end up in court
Before sharing what’s on your mind or posting that pool party photo, take a moment to double or even triple-check to be sure that this is something you won’t mind your ex seeing and presenting in court. Even if you’ve enhanced your privacy settings to lock your ex out of your posts, a mutual friend can still grab and share your post with them. And if this happens, it will likely find its way in court as evidence if your ex finds it useful.
Talking ill about your spouse is a bad idea
Your ex may no longer be your favorite human being. However, choosing to talk badly about them on social media can negatively hurt your divorce case, especially when the subject of custody comes up. This is because the judge pays very close attention to how parents treat each other when ruling on the child’s custody. As a rule, do not disparage your ex online for whatever reason.
Keep your new relationships off social media
Nothing stops you from finding love again after a failed marriage. However, going public about your new relationship or changing your relationship status on Facebook can do more harm than good. Your ex can bring this up to object to your fitness for custody. They can also bring it up if they suspect that you are dissipating marital property.
Overall, your social media activity can have real-life implications, especially if you are going through a divorce. Understanding social media rules during divorce can help you avoid missteps that can hurt your case.